
I have put together a selection of videos with exercises. You can practice the clips on their own or combine the individual exercises into a sequence, practicing one after the other. The more time you invest into your practice, the more beneficial it can be for your development. However, the most important thing is that certain feeling, the “Qi Gong state” in which we want to spend time and practice.

If you are new to Qi Gong, I recommend that you first watch the video “Explaining the most important energy points for Qi Gong practice”.

You can find more videos from previous practice sessions on my YouTube channel: “Qi Gong mit Ursel”

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Shining light upon the heart

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This practise can heal the heart and is beneficial for the emotional and mental well-being.

Shaking & Releasing

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This video contains three parts – shaking – breathing and releasing – integration. The exercise is very beneficial in the evening to release the unwanted energies of the day to be able to fall asleep easily and deeply. It is also very beneficial for illnesses.

Moving with Chi

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You are not in the being, you are in the non-being.
You are not in the movement, you are in the flow of energy.
You are not in the intention, you are in spirit (shen).
Allow the energy to move you from the inside and observe what movements it leads you to, follow those movements.

Rainbow-coloured protective coat

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Draw rainbow-coloured light and energy from the earth, scoop up in front of you with both hands over your head and down your back, tuck in under your feet. Scoop energy up from the earth with your right hand, up your left side and over your left shoulder, wrap it around your back and around your right shoulder, like a pashmina made of protective light. Scoop rainbow-coloured light with your left hand up from the earth, bring it up around your right shoulder and wrap it around your back and left shoulder. Stand wrapped in light and a rainbow-coloured protective coat. Remember the coat throughout the day.


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This practise can loosen blockages in the outer layers of the body and enhance the chi flow in the meridians. You may feel refreshed, and it is effective against sluggishness and fatigue.


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Slowly allow the energy to rise from the earth through the feet and up the legs. The upper body gently begins swaying forwards and backwards with the movement of the rising chi. You scoop the energy in a wide embrace and pour it into your root chakra. You sway backwards, embrace more qi in a wide hug
and pour the energy into your sacral chakra. You repeat and pour the energy into you navel chakra, then heart, then throat, then third eye and lastly crown chakra. You reach up to the sky with your hands and extended arms and allow heavenly chi to pour down and enter your crown. You gentry guide the qi down with your hands in front of your body and rest your hands on the Lower Dantien. Repeat 9 times.

Circling the bottom of the ocean

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Begin in a seated position with your spine straight and the chin slightly tucked in. Visualize a pearl in the area of your lower abdomen, inside the perineum. Allow the feeling of water in the wide ocean to begin swaying you gently. Slowly begin to move forward and then to the right, then to the back and to the left, and back to the front. Follow 36 gentle circles, from the bottom of the spine to the neck and the head just follows the movements. Change the direction with a movement of a figure-of-8, and circle to the left 24 times. You are circling a precious pearl at the bottom of a wide ocean. Your spine is supple, strong and flexible like a young bamboo tree.

"Butterfly" - Healing inner child

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The toes gently grip the floor and connect to the earth. The forehead relaxes and expands. A gentle smile appears on the face and spreads through the body. The whole body relaxes and expands. Listen to the noises around you and further away, until the edge of the cosmos. Gently bring back fine cosmic music and bring it to rest deep inside the ears. The whole body relaxes and expands. Breathing is gentle, slow and natural. Exercise: The right hand floats up slowly as if carried by water and comes to rest on the left collarbone, just above the heart. The left hand floats up and comes to gently rest on the right shoulder. You connect to your inner shocked, and wounded, child and you gently begin to tap your shoulders as if you are quietening an upset child. Let emotions rise and do not think about their causes. Finishing: The hands slowly and gently drop downwards and cover the Lower Dantien. Collect and gather the qi in the Lower Dantien and slowly come back to everyday awareness.

Upper Chakra

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An exercise to harmonise, balance and integrate the energies of the Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra and Third Eye Chakra. You direct the energy up from the Throat Chakra with the right hand, either in front of the body or gently stroking up the skin. The neck is slightly tilted back. The left hand follows the right, and both hands alternately stroke gently up and away from the body at chin level, but the imagination continues to stroke up inside the head.

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